I See Clearly 💫

As I awaken to this early morning’s peace and silence, I connect with Infinite Presence & Power that gives me […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ I Am Home

In this moment I am called ‘Home’…  Home to my heart, my spirit, my divinity…. Not my house … my […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ It Is Enough!🦋

Ohhh, this glorious, wondrous Universe that I live IN AND THAT lives in me. Nothing could bless me more than […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ To be Human and Divine…🌞

Ahhhhhhh, to be human AND divine… There are days I so struggle and suffer and then there are days when […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ Hello June…. You lovely month! 🌸

I breathe in… no matter where I am in the world….the beauty of a new day & a new month. […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment 🌷 It’s Pretty Juicy Here!

In the glory of this new moment, I rest. As I look out into the world, I may witness foolery… […]

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A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ New Thought ~ New Life ~ New Me💞

Today I am made new.  I am made new as I tune in more consciously to the Presence & Power […]

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I Belong

Welcome to a new month…the month of February…I love Februaries…a few things before my treatment that I felt were fun […]

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I am Ready

“And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that […]

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‘PLUG IN’ to the Infinite Source

This beautiful morning as I see the sky alighting, I feel the peace awaken within me. That Peace that has […]

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© Center for Spiritual Living Morristown