Principle of Oneness

Ernest Holmes teaches: Everything that lives proclaims the Glory of God. Every person who exists manifests the Life of God. […]

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Close to My Highest Vision

Today I stay close to my Highest Vision of myself, others, the world.Today I see though Divine Eyes and feel […]

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The Gentle Art of Blessing

In his book,” The Gentle Art of Blessing”, Pierre Pradervand explains a simple practice that works in alignment with the […]

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The Sun Does Shine

The blog for this month is based on the book “The Sun Does Shine: How I found Life and Freedom […]

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Protect the Vulnerable – Empowerment

I began attending the Morristown Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) after relocating to New Jersey, from Houston, Texas in the […]

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The I of the Storm ~ Embracing Conflict, Creating Peace

Timely topic right now?  Certainly, as much as it was when the book by Gary Simmons was written 18 years […]

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Discover A Richer Life

In the book discover a richer life by Ernest Holmes, he states “ the progressive Awakening of man to Greater […]

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Be Truthful In Facts & Motives

This month we focus on the theme of integrity. The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole […]

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Seek the Common Good – Oneness

In his book Beyond Religion – Ethics for a Whole World, His Holiness the Dalai Lama suggests we develop “inner values which are the […]

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Law of the Lord is Perfect

“The practice of Science of Mind calls for a positive understanding of the Spirit of Truth; a willingness to let […]

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